Tuesday 20 May 2008

'My dog has a bigger ego'

'My dog has a bigger ego'

Evaluation ****
IT’S been a long, long wait – five-spot hours to be precise – hanging around for
the world’s biggest prima donna.

In the Chancellor League of prima donnas, Mariah Carey is a caption.

In front of Mary, J-Lo and even Posh, she is the ultimate demanding pop star.

Outside the luxurious Four Seasons George V Hotel in Paris, traditionalist fans receive
been camping altogether solar day and into the nighttime to catch a glimpse of her.

Even the moisten doesn’t dampen their hard drink.

Later on deuce hours without even a peep from Mariah’s people, I’m starting to feel
a affinity with the bedraggled hordes.

Eventually, we’re summoned to the yard meeting room which I enter through a
fuss of stylists, managers and bodyguards. The room is bathed in the blind
light of flickering candles and there’s an ornate gold easel heading a huge
canvass of the album incubate for Mariah’s latest album E=MC2.

I’m carefully positioned on the left side of meat of a lounge by one of her management
team to